Free Car Seat Checkup on March 7th! // ¡Revisión gratuita de la silla infantil del carro el 7 de marzo!

Community School Evening Programming begins Tuesday, January 11th!
Escuela Comunitaria programación nocturna comienza el martes 11 de enero!


Join us in celebration of Day of the Dead! Community School will have fun activities for the entire family.
Acompañemos en celebración del Dia de los Muertos! Escuela Comunitaria tendrá actividades divertidas para toda la familia.

"Foods of Fall" themed PopUp food distribution is happening at the main doors of the NCEC on Friday, Oct. 22nd from 3:00-5:00pm!
¡La distribución de comida con el tema "Comidas de otoño" se llevará a cabo en las puertas principales del NCEC el viernes 22 de octubre de 3: 00-5: 00pm!

Community School evening adult programming is being held in the NCEC (previous Greenvale)! Zumba and Adult Basic Education is running now, and Aztec Dance will begin next week! Childcare is available Thursday evenings for children up to the age of 6.
Please visit our adult programs page for more information.
¡La programación nocturna para adultos de la Escuela Comunitaria se lleva a cabo en el NCEC (Greenvale anterior)! Zumba y Educación Básica para Adultos ya han comenzado, ¡y el Baile Azteca comenzará la próxima semana! El cuidado de niños está disponible los jueves por la noche para niños hasta la edad de 6 años.
Visite nuestra pagina de programas para adultos para obtener más información.

CAC has a 2nd Food Access location and it is located at the Northfield Community Education Center (NCEC)!
This location will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 7:00 pm. For more information visit Community Action Center or click here to set up an appointment!
¡CAC tiene una segunda ubicación de acceso a alimentos y está ubicada en el Centro de educación comunitaria de Northfield (NCEC)!
Esta ubicación estará abierta los martes y jueves de 3:00 a 7:00 pm. Para obtener más información, visite el Centro de acción comunitaria o haga clic aquí para programar una cita.

Community School will offer in-person clubs this fall, from September 30th through December 9th! We will offer evening clubs that require sign-up as well as walk in activities. For more information visit our Participate link!
Escuela Comunitaria estará ofreciendo clubs en persona este otoño, del 30 de sept. al 9 de dec.! Ofreceremos clubs nocturnos que requieren registro y también actividades abiertas. Para más información visite nuestro link Participe!

You're invited to Greenvale Park Community School Open House! Come meet Community School staff and learn about student and adult activities and family resources. Students can even try an activity or club! You will be able to register on site.
For more information email info@gvpcommunityschool.org
Estan invitados a la Casa Abierta de Escuela Comunitaria de Greenvale Park! Vengan a conocer al personal de Escuela Comunitaria, aprender sobre actividades para estudiantes y padres y sobre recursos familiares. Los estudiantes también podrán tratar una actividad o club! Se podrán registrar en persona.
Para mas información mande un correo electrónico a

Registration for Community Schools' summer programs is now open! Click the buttons for Flyers and Registration. Email info@gvpcommunityschool.org with any questions.

Join Community School & Carleton College for our Science Night programs! Students will learn about many different science topics & have fun at the same time. Our Science Nights will be Tuesday, May 18th and Thursday, May 20th from 6:30 to 7:30. This program will be held via Zoom. Students in grades K-5 can join one or both nights. To register, click the button on the side. For more information, email info@gvpcommunityschool.org.

Community School has music programs being offered this spring! Whether you want your students to attend in-person or virtually, we have options for you. These groups will start April 6 & go through May 13. Space is limited so register soon. For more information & registration, click the buttons on the side!

Join GVP Community School for in-person and virtual clubs on Tuesdays & Thursdays, March 30 through May 13! For more information about the clubs, please see the attached flyers.​ Access registration through the "Registration" button. Contact (info@gvpcommunityschool.org) with any questions.

Community School is offering programming during Spring Break! Students can sign up for in-person sessions or take-home activity kits. See the flyer for more information.

GVP Community School will offer in-person and virtual clubs on Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 2 through 18! For more information about the virtual clubs, please see the attached flyers.​ Access registration through the "Registration" button. Contact (info@gvpcommunityschool.org) with any questions.

Homework Help is available for students grades K-12!
Community School is currently offering in-person homework help for grades K-5 (see info on 2/8/2021 post). See all options on the flyers below.

Homework Help is now available during Community School! Students grades K-5 are welcome to join on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-7:30 PM.
No registration required - just fill out this Health Screening & Participation Waiver.

Mrs. Kelly's After-School Clubs are open to all 3rd-5th grade Greenvale Park students. To learn more and register, visit http://join.mrskellysclubs.org/ or see the flyer attached!

Past Updates
To view past updates from GVP Community School, please visit our archives by clicking here: Website Archives